ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß DIPLOMACY ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß All empires are considered to be in a state of war with each other until they sign a treaty. A state of war means their armies and/or navies will attack each other if they move into the same space OR to the right of an active unit. Treaties are agreements with other players not to go to war. When both players answer 'Y' to a treaty between each other then the treaty is valid. If only one of the two answer 'Y' then they are still considered to be at war. When moving normally an army will capture territory. When you have a treaty with another country you cannot capture this country's territory. In fact if you have a treaty with a country and you move into a space originally owned by that country you liberate it for that player. Even if you were the one who once conquered it! There are two types of treaties. The most friendly is the 'O' (open) treaty. Both players must agree to an open treaty in order for this to be in effect. An open treaty allows players army to freely pass into or through each others armies or navies. If the treaty is not open then it is 'E' exclusive. This means treaty signers armies cannot enter the space of one another. If they are ordered into a space occupied by a treaty they are blocked until the space is free of any of that countries armies. The treaty will not go into effect until turn processing begins. The treaty matrix will be updated before any movement or combat occurs. Send Aid: You may send monetary aid to a country that you have a treaty with. Only the money that you have in the Treasury may be passed to another. In addition a percentage is taken by bankers and agents. Send Messages: You may send other players up to a four line message. Select the target of your message or select all players. You then can enter up to four lines of type. Type you message only on the dots. You must end each line with a (ENTER KEY). Read Messages: You can read all messages to you with this option.